Thank you for reading this blog

Since I started this blog at the beginning of February over 200 interested people visited the website. I’ll use this post to express my thanks to everyone.

Since this is a data-driven blog and I like to be transparent let’s have a look from where the interested readers are coming from. Among the top 5 countries, we have the US, Switzerland (where I’m from), Germany, India, and France.

Visitor statistics based on the country

Now, let’s have a look at how they found out about this blog. A big chunk of visitors came from social networks or other news sites such as Hacker News, Reddit, Twitter. More than 10% of the visitors came from, another news aggregator. Special thanks to Anuj, who added this blog to the list of top 40 Machine Learning Blogs.

Finally, the probably most interesting question is which post did you like the most? By far the most visitors had a summary of data annotation companies, followed by the summary of tools and frameworks and the work I did during Hack Zurich 2016 with the random forest image classifier.

What’s next?

A few of you reached out to me and asked whether they could write guest posts. Of course, that’s something I would very much support and appreciate. Just reach out to me and we can have a look at your post.

I set my personal goal of posting at least once a month. This month I spent quite some time making a Medium post for my company about data redundancy. I had a hard time deciding on whether I should post it here or on Medium. We decided to go with Medium due it’s already existing user base and being able to reach more people through publications such as towards data science. The reach was very high with more than 1’000 visitors in the first two weeks.

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